Augmented Reality
Ugh, not a fan so far. I downloaded Aurasma before I looked at any of the links, so even with the description of what AR is, and specifically what Aurasma does, I was clueless without having seen it in action. So I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do to create my own Aura.
Like I should have to start with, then, I read the quick guide; even then, I found this app hard to navigate. I kept getting stuck in the viewfinder part of it and couldn't figure out how to go back. Then I couldn't find the "overlays." I tried browsing the "Popular Auras," but it would never load--just kept saying "Loading Auras" and spinning, and then finally said there was a problem connecting to Aurasma Central and to check my signal strength and network settings. (I'm doing this at the library, and I know I've got wifi turned on.)
Finally I found the overlays and made two auras using shots of stuff on my desk. I tried to "Share" it via email, but when I clicked on Email, it gave me the option to share it to Google Drive. I did that, thinking I could then link it to this blog post,but it just saved text. This is where my brain has a hard time remembering the difference between a smartphone and a desktop computer.
Now I'm trying to go back and look at my Public Auras. I see them there--named "nipper" and seal"--and when I first made them, I saw them "in action." But now when I click on them, all I see is the photo of the objects--none of the AR stuff. And since I've already spent an hour on this one, I'm going to have to let it go.
So I watched the video clip about the use of Aurasma at the Star Wars thing at DisneyWorld. Parts of that were cool, like the guy hanging out with Chewbacca. And then I watched how teachers are using it. OK, but I don't really see much educational value, other than the fact that the kids get to use a device. Then I tried to watch the PowerPoint about how libraries are using AR, but none of the images showed--the text slides were fine, but most were black. Not sure what's going on with that.
I do know about QR codes, and for a while now I've wanted our children's calendars to have them so parents could just save them to their phones, and now Elizabeth is making inroads with this on lots of our publications. I do have a QR reader on my phone, but is that the same as AR?