Notetaking and Productivity
It would be great to be able to record verbal reminders on my phone as I'm driving to and from work, like my friend Johnna does. So many things pop into my head that I need to remember to do, but of course I forget them by the time I get home because I couldn't write them down. So I had hoped one of these tools would help me out.
With Katherine's help I downloaded the Dragon Dictation app (the Android app is actually called "Dragon Mobile Assistant"--confusing). I'm guessing it's great, but I didn't realize I needed a data connection for it to work, which rules this out for use while driving (I have very limited data on my phone).
Evernote seems promising, and we have it on the children's dept. iPad--we used to use it to write the words to action rhymes to project during storytime--so I downloaded that. I love that you can take a photo of documents like receipts and stuff. I took a picture of the Overdrive Read "cheat sheet" we use when teaching the CCS kids how to download ebooks onto their devices so that I would remember to make more copies to keep at the children's reference desk. (Of course I wish it would just MAKE the damn copies and put them in the binder for me, because I made that note more than a week ago and still haven't done it!) It appears that you should be able to record audio with Evernote, according to the tutorials, but the Android instructions do not seem to correspond to what I'm seeing on my screen, so I still haven't figured that out.
Finally, I downloaded Hanx Writer on my son's iPad just because I wanted to see and hear it. Really cool! And my son would probably have been impressed with it a year or so ago, partly because he's a big Tom Hanks fan, but he is now in the throes of adolescence and everything I think is cool is automatically not cool, so he uninstalled it. I think I'm going to play a prank on him--take away his iPad one day while he's at school and put an old typewriter on his desk and say that's his replacement.